Since we should be well beyond the point of surprise, it seems now the National Republican Congressional Committee is stopping to tactics more befitting jealous seventh-grade girls as the mid-term elections draw near.
The latest desperate dick move by the GOP is to create websites attacking Democratic congressional candidates in several states. Nothing wrong with that, you say, until you discover the websites are basically identical to the real candidates' sites, with similar URLs, fonts, and characteristics of the websites they are spoofing. In at least one case, involving a mock website aimed at West Virginia congressional candidate Nick Rahill, there is even a "donate" button pointed to the NRCC's coffers. It is at times like this, I have to wonder why the Republicans keep forgetting there is a high road. They are clearly starting to win battles based on the runaway success that is Obamacare, so why waste money pumping ads to draw insane amounts of web traffic to the next new and exciting below the belt shot. Keep hammering the nail everyone else is hammering right now. While the NRCC stands by the websites as "100% legal," Democratic concerns are yelling that the sites violate Federal Election Commission regulations in regards to confusing the public. It's an argument loaded with shades of grey. While anyone who can read, if they took the time to read the website, would see it's obviously an opposition site, there remains a pretty fair argument about how opposing parties can use a candidate's name. So, not that I'm actually advising or condoning this, but from the amount of nothing that is ultimately going to be done about this fake website nonsense, I certainly believe there is now a standing precedent. If any of you ever get the hankering to run for public office, feel free to pass out campaign-style bumper stickers of your opponent, saying they blow goats.You might not get a lot of votes outside of the undecided crowd who gets the Wayne's World reference, but you'll certainly get some ink. As to the amount of nothing that will be done about the website nonsense, remember this: the Federal Election Commission is comprised of three Democrats and three Republicans. Nothing like a perpetual 3-3 tie to go with the rest of the gridlock our Washington overlords are making us watch at the moment. Comments are closed.
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