There I was, just surfing through Fark, trying to find something slightly more interesting than the John Edwards not guilty/mistrial coverage on cable, when a submitter's link caught my eye. "On the Department of Homeland Security's website and want to report fraud, waste, or abuse? Excellent, citizen, just click the link" Okay, I'll bite. It had to make it to Fark for a reason. Lemme just click on the link, and... 404 Error: The requested page was not found But, of course. In the brave new world of the 21st Century, it this more SMH or just a facepalm, instead? It's not like I have ever bought into the concept of a "Department of Homeland Security." Just sounds like so much of a hokey sci-fi plot. You know, something with a thin plot and a lot of explosions, especially when it boils down to "who's policing the police," and the answer is "we don't know, we can't find that page." It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, and the fattest hookers in the land were still roaming the countryside to ply their trade.
Fox News: "Gary Johnson could catch presidential race by surprise" How, by gaining 3% of the vote this time? Eliminate the 15% polling requirement for debate access (for candidates on enough ballots for conceivable victory), and THEN Johnson could pull off a surprise in November...then again, I'm absolutely shocked I've seen three mainstreams articles on Johnson's LP candidacy. I may need the big needle from Pulp Fiction if I see three more between now and then... According to pollster/author/Fox News contributor Douglas Schoen, the former New Mexico governor is polling between 6-9% nationally at the moment. Must only be his polling company even mentioning Johnson. When I was still in the market research game during the Obama ascension, we never even got close to rhyming the word libertarian, and given the buzz this year, I see little to make me think it's going to be even a damn sight better. And before you ask, it is outstandingly easy to get and stay cynical. For all the hot mess we have had shoveled at our feet about the need for bipartisanship, the only real bipartisanship we've seen in decades is the collusion between the two major parties to keep out viable third parties like the Libertarians and independent candidates, unless they have the obscene amounts of cash to get enough polling to even make it near a debate stage. Headline on MSNBC's Morning Joe: Romney clashes with reporter on the issues. Yeah, fuck, wouldn't that be nice? All we gonna hear about from now until November is the dog on the roof, the new and sadly ripped from the other bullshit headlines "bullying" story starting to circulate, and "how rich is he?" jokes, some better than others. Current USA Today/Gallup polls have Romney ahead of Obama on the economy. That's not saying much, though. Some jerky ass' Super Bowl predicting chicken or that fucking groundhog in Pennsylvania could run ahead of Obama on the economy right now. Although it is kind of a guilty pleasure to watch Mika Brzezinski sit there with that cute little "trying to concentrate" look, acting interested until someone comes on to plug a book or her dad pops back up. |
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