![]() GOP Presidential hopeful Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) out to bed rumors or suggestions he would accept a third party nomination if he did not win the Republican nod. He also added a third party entrant into the race would not threaten the Republicans' chances against President Obama in 2012, but might basically create a bit of a hassle. That's an interesting statement to me, especially coming from a guy who campaigned as the '88 Libertarian Party (a third party last time I checked) presidential candidate. Just saying, is all. ![]() White House senior adviser David Plouffe would not say on NBC's Meet the Press whether the White House would comply with a possible congressional subpoena regarding internal communications in the burgeoning Solyndra scandal. More specifically, he said "I am not going to comment on a subpoena if it has not happened." Okay, fair enough, you do not want to speak in hypotheticals. But at the same time, this stance coming from the "rule of law" White House is kind of like saying you don't know if you would put out a house fire until one breaks out. ![]() Rick Perry on Fox: I can still win. This was a headline on the Politico mobile app. Of course he would say that. Why the hell wouldn't he say that? Who in their right mind, outside of Don Quixote, would maintain a campaign and flat say I'm friggin doomed? I mean, every boxer thinks they can still win the bout, right up to the point they wake up being asked if they know what city they are in. ![]() Only what seems like a million days until the 2012 Presidential election, or as MSM has taken to calling presidential elections every time around, The most important election of our lifetimes, stopping just short of predicting the Four Horsemen saddling up should the wrong choice be made. I'm obviously not impressed with President Obama's performance to date. I'm barely as impressed with the GOP candidates looking to unseat him. After having voted for the last two Libertarian candidates, I'm just not sure about joining the other probably 400,000 or so in casting that vote again this time around. This Americans Elect concept that's sprouting up has drawn my attention though. Anyone who signs up (email only, with some security features) becomes a delegate for an Internet-only primary, where anyone can be a candidate, but the presidential and vice-presidential nominees have to be from different parties? That alone peaks my interest. So I took the step of signing up as a delegate to take a further look. Who knows? Maybe ElectMyAss.com will live on past my current campaign. I did just renew it for another year, and besides, when it really comes down to it, I'm at least as viable as the pizza guy, the dingbat tax attorney, and Hopalong Perry... Comments are closed.
Winner, The Blogitzer
(Best Overall Writing), 2011 Blogger's Choice Awards Archives
July 2014