Yeah, yeah, yeah...I can't say I'm really moved one way or another about the Rex Ryan/Mark Sanchez 4th quarter playing time decision. Granted, it did look like a stupid decision then, it still looks like a stupid decision now, and will probably look like a stupid decision for the rest of time eternal, but I especially liked the way a Fark submitter handled the report that the Jets have signed a fifth quarterback, recently released Green Bay backup Graham Harrell: Former Saskatchewan Roughrider hits bottom, signs with the Jets. Wow. Who would have thought signing a deal to become, in essence, the fifth-string quarterback for a team would have generated such buzz, not to mention a prime moment to take a stab at the currently woeful state of the New York Jets. Good luck, buddy. You and your four career pass attempts are gonna need it... Then again, you could be this guy. Who the hell is it, you ask? Why, it is Jeff Tuel, the newly named Week One sacrifice by the Buffalo Bills to the AFC East kingpin New England Patriots. If you wanted to be technical, here's another guy dealing with a five quarterback scheme coming into the final day of cuts to make up the 53-man roster. Not only does he have hit-and-mostly-miss Kevin Kolb as presumptive starter someday, he also has fellow rookie E.J. Manuel, Thad Lewis (1 TD/1 INT in 32 career attempts as a Cleveland Brown last season), and Matt Leinart, whom you'll probably remember more for getting frontloaded by Paris Hilton than for professional football. As the great sports blog Kissing Suzy Kolber pointed out, this guy didn't even have a one-line Wikipedia page at the time he was named the starting quarterback (if for one day only) of the Buffalo Bills. Can't wait to see how much money is bet on this dog. My season opener is my Rams against division rivals Arizona. Any other year, we'd probably be making fun of this game, too...but now that the NFC West is the division in the NFL, we'll just have to call the Pats-Bills for what it is- one football team holding the other back with an outstretched arm while it flails away wildly. Good luck with your future career as a Trivial Pursuit answer, Mr. Tuel. Finally, it still saddens me, the story about the legendary rock band KISS buying an arena football franchise to set up shop in Los Angeles. With a veritable smorgasbord of team names to play off the band's history and career, they instead went with, simply, the LA KISS. This part of the article put me at a crossroads of sorts. On one hand, in spite of half of it, I am a member of the KISS Army. Seen them in concert, in and out of makeup, original lineup and otherwise. On the other hand...shouldn't the band's legal fleet have suggested a Lingerie Football (er...sorry, make that Legends Football League) team instead? That might have been a little more Gene's speed, and at least the goddamned name would have made sense. This actually hurts me on levels as both a sports fan and as a music fan. As a sign of solidarity for the people of L.A., I have renamed nine of my ten fantasy football teams to the Sharknados and have "relocated" them to Los Angeles, so the peoples there can have a franchise they can once again be proud to ignore for the most part. And yes, just to be fair, I am fielding a Los Angeles Sharknados of Anaheim. Comments are closed.
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