![]() This is Molly Schuyler. She is a competitive eater from Nebraska, and a lady who likes a challenge. In that spirit, she decided to take on The Big Texan Steak Ranch, and she won in what could only be called the competitive eating equivalent of a first-round knockout. Schuyler managed to take down two 72-ounce steak dinners in under 15 minutes (14 minutes, 57 seconds if you wanna nitpick), and that was after breakfast to boot. Damn, girl...you took in 9 pounds of meat orally in under fifteen minutes? I'm waiting for the follow-up where Kris Jenner names you an honorary Kardashian sister... Schuyler had an hour in which to accomplish the chowdown. Steak dinner #1 (side dishes- salad, roll, shrimp, and a baked potato) went down in less than five minutes, leaving her plenty of time to knock off the second helping with room to spare, so to speak. Previously, this champion of over-consumption took down 363 chicken wings in 30 minutes to take 1st place (and a $22,000 payday) in Philly, so now...where to go next? What is the next challenge for this woman who freely describes herself as a "bottomless pit?" I don't rightly know, but she is interested in making a future return to The Big Texan- to eat THREE steak dinners in one sitting. On that note, even I'm pushing back from the table because I'm full... (Updated to correct my earlier failure in math, changing "12 pounds" to "9 pounds" because I inexplicably thought a pound was 12 ounces instead of 16. ) Comments are closed.
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