I have been interested in politics for most of my life, going back to just before the Berlin Wall fell. I have been actively involved in politics, as a party member, official, candidate, and commentator in both print and talk radio for the last 14 of those years. Never before, however, have I had a political discussion like the one I was unfortunately pulled into late this evening. People that consciously do not bother to follow national current events, yet BLINDLY fall into lockstep with a President merely due to the healthcare issue, are not only dangerously uninformed, but dangerously disingenuous, as well. That combination of dangers could be the only reason for one to think they know much of anything about a process they are NOT EVEN BOTHERING TO LEARN ABOUT! It must be nice, sitting there swaddled in the smug warmth of that perceived superiority, enjoying the fine tailored cut of the Emperor's new clothes. For people such as myself, who not only have eyes wide open but focused on the entire picture, not just the parts I felt like coloring in, that view has never and will never be enough to suit me. But keep on admiring that fancy set of clothes, since that is all you are apparently willing to see, despite the shriveled and impotent evidence dangling in your face.
From my Facebook page earlier this morning: "For all the people losing their shit over Jesse Ventura winning a $1.8 million verdict in his defamation lawsuit against the estate of Chris Kyle, think about this...a man who was banking on an UNCONFIRMED reputation as the most successful sniper in American military history felt that reputation needed a boost by LYING about punching out a then 55-year old retired professional wrestler and politician. If any of you were in Ventura's situation, you probably would have done the same damn thing. Why let a guy (who was already doing quite well financially by promoting his UNCONFIRMED reputation) gain notoriety by making shit up about you? If Ventura wasn't who he was, you all would be outraged Kyle was bragging about the whole deal in the first place. Go back to whining about contrails and leave the thinking to those who are equipped to handle it." Oh, if only it ended there. Naturally, word of Ventura's $1.84 million defamation verdict against the estate of former military sniper Chris Kyle generated more butthurt than Justin Bieber being left overnight at San Quentin. If I had a nickel for every half-ass posting meme pics of Ventura talking about "suing a widow," "winning the case but still getting knocked out," or questioning his manhood over the lawsuit, I could write a bestseller and make a bunch of shit up. Yes, I said it...make a bunch of shit up. That seemed to be one thing Chris Kyle was good at, even if his follow-up left a lot to be desired. The tale about shooting two armed men dead trying to steal his truck at a Dallas-area gas station? Yeah, no law enforcement agency, medical examiner, or gas station for that matter could provide a molecule of truth to back that up. Same about the claim of posting up on the New Orleans Superdome and shooting "bad guys" in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Somehow, I doubt the story about piloting the ship at the end of Independence Day, as well. The fact a jury saw through the boastful claims of a man who had already secured fame beyond most military personnel's expectations or wildest dreams and found in favor of Ventura says it all. The fact that people are willing to blindly follow a military hero to hell and back is more than a little sad. There has been a bigger rush to defend a man with less than a sniper's focus on the truth than any homeless veteran, any disabled veteran, or any veteran being shafted on a regular basis by the VA. Or a wronged veteran like Jesse Ventura. This just goes to show the level our country, or at least its more rabid Internet denizens, is interested in the quick outrage over the longview. A confirmed kill, a medal, or distinguished service is not a license to do or say whatever the fuck you want, let alone try to profit from it. |
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